God Kept Me
That is my testimony. God kept me. Just like the song lyrics say, God kept me. Through the valleys and uncertainties, God has kept me. The experiences of my life’s journey remind me of how God’s cover stays with us always. God kept me, and He keeps you too.
Looking in the Rearview
It has been one year since I published my book, “What Just Happened? Living the Redeemed Life, When All Hell Breaks Loose.” An eventful year filled with testimonies from others who were touched by my story and the busyness that comes from taking that initial step of going from personal privacy to transparency on a more public level. It has been a year where I have had to face my fears as well as my strengths and weakness. I’ve had to break down personal barriers to my esteem and identity because it is not easy putting your story ‘out there’. I realize that my life has been crazy and wondrous all at the same time. I also got more connected to the gifts God has poured into me as I put that ‘social butterfly’ tendency I’ve always had (that sometimes annoys my husband) to work. Who knew that my chattiness was really a gift to be used? I didn’t know but God did. It was also a time where I saw God open doors that could only have been opened because of the experiences I had gone through. This year only added to the ‘awe’ I already knew about our awesome God!
Finding My Way
This new season didn’t just begin in the last year, it really started three years ago with the transition of a career I had always known and my mother’s illness and ultimate death. As I mentioned in my book, when these events happened, I lost my foundation. I not only lost my income but my identity as I knew it (at least in my mind). Things changed so drastically for me that the coping skills I have used my entire life didn’t work for me. I prayed and cried so much that they became my daily norm. That is where the lyrics to the song “I Almost Let Go” by Kurt Carr & the Kurt Carr Singers came into play:
I almost let go
I felt like I couldn’t take life anymore
My problems had me bound
Depression weighed me down
But God held me close
So I wouldn’t let go
God’s mercy kept me
So I wouldn’t let go
Way – Found
The Lord’s presence in my life sustained me and pulled me up in my grief. His mercy allowed me to recognize I still had breath and could take a small step each day. The book was the culmination of the journaling I did to heal through the process. Only God could take that season of my life and turn it into something that I could speak about as a blessing! As I look back on how God loved me through my loss I realize – it had to happen the way it happened. God needed to give me the understanding I now have for the new places He is taking me in my career, ministry, and life. Just like salvation, life comes from death.
That is Living the RedeemedLife. You are not alone, and God really has a plan and purpose for your life, through all of the ups and the downs.
You are Redeemed, Restored and Rejoiced!